Castor Health Institute

The student has the right to cancel the initial enrollment agreement until midnight of the 7th business day after the student has been admitted. If the right to cancel is not given to any prospective student at the time the agreement is signed, then the student has the right to cancel the agreement at any time and receive a full refund on all monies paid to day within 7 days of cancellation. Cancellation should be submitted to the authorized official of the school in writing 

The written notice of cancellation need not take any particular form and, however expressed, it is effective if it shows that the student no longer wishes to be bound by the Enrollment Agreement.  

The institution may terminate the student’s enrollment for failure to maintain satisfactory progress; failure to abide by the rules and regulations of the institution; absences in excess of the maximum set forth by the institution; and/or failure to meet financial obligations to the school. For the purpose of determining the amount of refund, the date of the student’s withdrawal shall be deemed the last date of the recorded attendance.  

If the Enrollment Agreement is canceled due to termination of student’s enrollment or failure to maintain satisfactory progress; failure to abide by the rules and regulations of the institution; absences in excess of the maximum set forth by the institution; and/or failure to meet financial obligations to the school. The school will refund the total amount that he/she has paid prior to midnight of the 7th business day; and after midnight of the 7th calendar day the total amount that he/she has paid can only be applied to a future CNA class of their choice with no expiration date.    

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